Monday, May 27, 2013

Repair VAZ own hands

Considerable risk to your car VAZ is rust. If you notice it on the back of the machine, you can remove it yourself. And it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money, turning for help on special relativity. To combat the rust using a certain tool, the so-called "rust converter". It is used for that would reform the rust into a solid substance. The main component of "converter" is phosphoric acid. It is, entering into interaction with rust to form a protective film, which slows down the corrosion process. These drugs, at present, have begun to produce quite a lot. Now we have to solve the dilemma, which is a type of drug to choose. Before you begin any repair work necessary to the surface of the car body get rid of the remaining fragments of paint, and most importantly - from rust. This can be done quite simply by applying a wire brush. After the cleaning process to wash the car with water and then give it to dry. And only after that on the surface of the body bear the "rust converter". Getting to the choice of "rust converter". Because the market is quite a lot of marks of the tool, then this is no easy task. In fact far nor all manufacturers produce quality goods. Consider funds that have left a positive impression on buyers' use. One of the first in this list is an American product, which is called «Rust Remover». Because it has a gel-like consistency, then apply it fairly comfortably, and consumption is not great. After the application, you must wait about 15 minutes and rinse it with water from the surface. Now we should look closely at the color of rust stains. If they changed color from red to black, it means that the procedure is completed successfully. And you can, after drying, proceed first to the dirt road, and then - for painting. Another well-known American agent is «Rust Dissolver». He applies the same way as the "rust converter» «Rust Remover», only dry it for 25 minutes. If you need chrome surface of the body, then you can use this tool, but the processing time reduced to 5 minutes, no matter what damage the finish. And in the process of priming and painting to begin in about three hours. In the Russian market also has a "rust converter". It is called "rust neutralizer WPC-1". But it has a drawback, which consists in the fact that he's pretty thin, and this in turn leads to its costly. Use this medication as needed: apply it to the surface, leave for as long as it does not acquire a light-gray powder, then rinse with water, but not later than 25 minutes. There is also a French vehicle «Elf Neutralisant Rouille». But before you apply it, you need to buy a respirator or mask. After all, it has a rather pungent odor. And yet the drug has a pretty big plus - easy to use, as done in the form of an aerosol. If we examine its effectiveness, it is not higher quality than the Russian "WPC-1". But, no matter how productive was not a "converter" is best - avoid rust and to care for your car, time to process the body anticorrosive agents.